Why Should a High-Level Employee Work for You?

Hello there!
In this issue of our newsletter, we’re diving into an intriguing question: Why should a high-level employee work for you? This is more than just a query; it’s a reflection on leadership and personal growth.

Are You A Leader They’d Follow?
It’s a startling fact: surveys show most leaders believe they have their employees’ respect, yet the reality often says otherwise. So, what sets you apart as a leader? Why should a talented, high-level individual choose to follow your lead?

The Leadership Scale – Where Do You Stand?
John Maxwell hits the nail on the head. Most entrepreneurs start as a 3 or 4 on a leadership scale of 1 to 10. But here’s the catch: a level 3 or 4 leader rarely attracts level 5 or 6 employees. They’re left wondering, ‘Why work for a novice leader?’ The key is personal growth. Aim to be an 8, 9, or even a 10. As you evolve, so does the caliber of professionals you attract.

Growing as a Leader – How?
Now, you might ask, ‘How do I grow?’ The answer is at your fingertips. The digital age offers endless resources for leadership development. You must decide to dedicate time every day to this growth.

Inspirations and Resources
Who inspires you? Don’t limit yourself to your industry. I’ve learned heaps from Brian Buffini, a former realtor turned coach. His insights are invaluable, even in my ventures in contracting, skin care, and coaching.

 The Power of H2H Interaction
While Social Media, YouTube, Podcasts, and books are great, real growth comes from applying what you learn in human-to-human (H2H) interactions. Use your knowledge in meetings, mastermind groups, and by seeking advice from accomplished leaders.

 My Journey and How I Can Help You
Following the mantra ‘Grow yourself and grow your people,’ I’ve seen my businesses flourish, attracting top talent and freeing up my time to focus on strategic growth. Your people are your business. Invest in becoming a higher-level leader.

 Personal Recommendations
My go-to resources include:

– John Maxwell’s leadership podcasts and books.

– Brian Buffini’s ‘It’s a Good Life’ podcast.

– Darren Hardy’s daily emails and training.

– Patrick Lencioni’s podcasts and team-building books.

– Mel Robbins’ podcasts and motivational books.

Let’s Grow Together
I’m here to challenge and support you in your growth journey, both personally and professionally. Feel free to share my contact with anyone who might benefit from this journey of leadership growth. Visit craigmoody.co for more.

Until next time, keep growing and leading
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