Owner Hats

Owner Hats

Small business owners wear many hats. Which hat fits you best? When we start our small businesses, most of us will have zero employees to delegate to. So, we basically assume all the hats. The Manager hat, Administration hat, Production hat, Accounting hat, Marketing...
Advice for Young Contractors

Advice for Young Contractors

Over the years I’ve had the chance to mentor or give advice to younger contractors. Before giving that advice, I try to do some fact finding. I ask questions first and look for strengths and weaknesses. Experience tells me that about 75% of these contractors are going...
Company Structure

Company Structure

Almost all first-time small business owners are guilty of something called the E-myth. The E-Myth (Entrepreneurial Myth) was a book written by Michael Gerber, first published in 1986 and later revised several times. The basic message of The E-Myth is that just because...