by AnchorPoint | Aug 7, 2023 | Uncategorized
One of the best ways to grow a small company has nothing to do with your actual skill and or even your profession. The truth is the more you can grow yourself, the more you will be successful. Even if you are a solo entrepreneur. As a teenager, like most boys. I hated...
by AnchorPoint | May 24, 2023 | Uncategorized
I remember the day well. I was about 4 years into business, I had about 4 employees, and I was running one of the service vans by myself during this busy stretch. It was a Wednesday or a Thursday. It was about 6pm at night and I was on my third new emergency service...
by AnchorPoint | May 6, 2023 | Uncategorized
Hey, small business owners! Do you share your financial numbers with your team? Especially your managers? At least one person? I do not recommend sharing with entry-level or mid-level employees. Only managers. If you are a solo entrepreneur, do you share your...
by AnchorPoint | May 6, 2023 | Uncategorized
I remember the day well. I was about 4 years into the business, I had about 4 employees, and I was running one of the service vans by myself during this busy stretch. It was a Wednesday or a Thursday. It was about 6pm at night and I was on my third new emergency...
by AnchorPoint | Apr 21, 2023 | Uncategorized
Sounded good at the time. You stood out as a Foreman or a Manager. Others urged you to start your own business. You saw your company’s owner drove a nice truck and YOU even visited his upscale home a few times. His wife had nice clothes, an upscale SUV. She spent time...